Sunday, December 30, 2007

Adam and Lora need your prayer

Below is an e-mail from my friend Robert Beckman. He informed me and others that Lora Mayfield has been placed in the hospital. If you are not sure who Lora is: her and her husband, Adam, planted Journey Church in Lakeland, FL back in January of 2007. Here's the e-mail:

Hello Friends, Please forward this to anyone God brings to your mind, Adam and Lora Mayfield went in for tests and some results came back very quickly. Lora has preeclampsia. She has now been placed in the hospital. The baby is fine, originally due in February. Lora is not fine until the baby comes out to see us. Risks to Lora include stroke, seizures, organ failure. Lora is on strict bed rest at the hospital. The baby might be given steroids to help the lungs develop and get ready for an early delivery (possibly within a few days). It might be used sooner than expected and each day between now and delivery will need to be very restful.

Here's how you can help now:
-Pray that God gives insight to the doctors
-Pray for an early delivery for Lora's sake and a developed baby ready to breath on her own.
-Pray for Adam and Lora to hear God's quiet whispers of assurance.

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