Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Vision (Now) - Part 3

So I've already established that there is a huge need in Austin for church plants. There are entire generations growing up disconnected from God and the church and the vehicle that God is using to reach these people the most is church planting!

Taking all this into consideration, we need church plants and NEED THEM NOW! As more and more people slip through the cracks of disconnectness, Austin and other cities within the U.S. are losing touch with God. We will continue to fall further into spiritual darkness, if we don't do something now! The younger generations, who are currently far from God, are becoming the leaders of society and culture. They will be leading out of worldviews that oppose Christianity and Jesus. They need Jesus and need him now!

Further as I stated in my first blog, when the city of Austin is reached the world will feel the impact. Disproportionate influence on the world exists in Austin because it houses the largest university in the U.S., is considered one of the most creative places in the U.S., has a population full of people in the field of techonology (from DELL to IBM to Samsung to game programmers), and is the live music capital of the world. When these cultures and groups within Austin are penetrated by the Gospel, the spiritual vibrations will be felt throughout the world. The world needs Jesus now!

Vision: God would use Heather and I to start a church that truly reaches out to the lost, hurting, and unchurched.
-A church that will love people to Jesus.
-A church that will serve people to Jesus.
-A church that will present and proclaim the full Gospel in Jesus.
-A church that has such a missional and outward focus, that the members give their lives
for the sake of the Gospel and others.

Vision is born out of the idea of what is and what could be.
-I believe that Austin can be a place that is radically transformed by the Gospel and when it is transformed, the vibrations are felt throughout the world.

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