Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vision (Part 2) - The Solution

Like many other bloggers, I have neglected my blog for a few days. But I feel this nagging burden to finish my vision blog, so here it goes.

Vision (Part 2) - The Solution
To summarize my last blog: there is a huge problem within the church today. Here is the deal, most churches have become inward-focused, country clubs and have literally missed the boat on younger generations. As a whole, we have done a terrible job representing Christ and incarnating his teachings. Now, people under the age of 35 seem to have a general distaste for the church and Christianity.

However, there is hope! I truly believe that God is raising up a new generation of leaders that are having a tremendous impact on the culture and spiritual landscape of America. I believe the tool that God is using to do this is church planting. Statistics even show that church plants have a younger congregation on average, than more established churches. Some estimates predict that church plants are made up of 60-80% unchurched individuals, while most churches that are established gain 80-90% of their growth from member transfer. Church plants seem to have a more outward, evangelistic approach to ministry. On the other hand, most established churches program themselves to make members satisfied and meet Christian needs. We have lost our identity as agents of love, mercy, hope, and service for the sake of making people happy.

I am not bashing established churches at all; in fact, I am currently on staff at a church that has existed over 20 years. I have even seen established churches be powerful agents of God in restoring and reconciling His creation. Some established churches are more effective in the Kingdom of God, than church plants. However, time has shown that on a grand scale church plants are the most effective instrument that God is using to reach unchurched people. HCBC (the church I am on staff with) has realized the need for church plants. They have brought me and 4 other church planters on staff for the sole purpose of planting another church. How incredible is that? Building God's Kingdom is more important than their own kingdom. Interesting theory isn't it? A established church can actually give themselves away on behalf of church planting.

About 4 years ago my heart was captured by this idea of church planting. Now God has led Heather and I to plant in the amazing city of Austin, TX. I am so humbled that God has allowed us to participate in this movement. Again, I believe that church planting is the key to these disconnected generations. Church planting is the key to reaching Austin for Jesus.

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