Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Since our move to Austin, we have seen God go before us in many ways. One of the areas we have seen Him work the most is through a non-profit organization called Apartment Life. Apartment Life basically hires couples to move into apartment complexes and coordinate social events that build community. Yet, this isn't what makes them such an incredible organization. What makes Apartment Life so amazing is their passion for Jesus. The people they hired are expected to build relationships with the lost, unchurched, and dechurched for the sake of sharing the Gospel with them. Since it is estimated that only 5% of apartment dwellers actively participate in a church, there is a huge need for missionally-minded people to swim among them.

Heather and I knew that this would be an excellent job for us. Not only is it important for to partner with organizations like this, but it is our DUTY and CALLING to swim among the lost. We are in the final stages of the hiring process and will be interviewing next with at least one apartment complex. Please, pray that God would place us in an Apartment complex in which His name will become famous.


Jacob Vanhorn said...

Hey brother, I am very excited for you and Heather in this venture!! I think Apt Life is going to be a wonderful tool towards reconciliation.

Jacob Vanhorn said...
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