Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Time with John Burke

Well today we had another opportunity to hang out with another influential leader, John Burke. He wrote No Perfect People Allowed, which I recommend to everyone, and planted a church in Austin about 10 years ago. He is incredibly gifted and has a unique way of steering conversations to Jesus with people who are far from God.

Here is some insight that Burke had for us church planters:

1. Trust God with the messiness of ministry and remember that God redeems! We deal with brokeness in our world and people simply have messy lives.

2. A church planter has to be very self-motivate, able to perseverance, and relational. We must meet with everyone that is willing and create a compelling vision and speech for the seeker and the follower of Christ.

3. We have to get comfortable with culture because that’s where Jesus spent his time. He was among the people. We don’t necessarily need to agree or conform to culture, but we need to be comfortable with it and engage with people in it.
4. Allow people to belong before they believe. If you provide people with a place where they can collectively investigate and ask questions about Jesus and God, then a you have created a culture for lost people to really seek God.

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